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PIJL has selected the winners of the ECPMF Emergency stipends programme

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Public Interest Journalism Lab has chosen 190 recipients of the Emergency stipends project which is a part of the Voices of Ukraine programme from the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF).

We received around 1400 competitive applications on the open call and selected journalists and media whose work is critically important for their communities; media and journalists with a solid audience who guaranteed the quality of their work. We looked at editorial teams from small towns, which are often the only media in their locality. We also supported applicants who have suffered the most from the war.

Over the next 3 months, we retain the right to select an additional 15 journalists who are in crisis situations.

Between the start of the application process and the announcement of the results, some time has passed, but thanks to this, we were able to help those who have gone through significant trials in recent months, such as the explosion of the Kakhovka HPP dam.

FOR THOSE WE DIDN'T SUPPORT THIS TIME: We will share information about your needs with other donors and funds. We also keep your data in reserve.

About upcoming specialized programs, especially for internally displaced persons, journalists working outside of Ukraine, we will provide information on our website and social media.

Thanks to the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the German Federal Administration Office for supporting quality journalism in Ukraine in times of war.


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