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Events will be held in Chile to discuss the war in Ukraine

«Crime, not just a tragedy. Reporting the war against Ukraine»

Screening of The Reckoning Projects documentaries on war crimes and discussion on the role of journalism in the defense of human rights with Nataliya Gumenyuk at the Alberto Hurtado University School of Journalism. The discussion will be moderated by Patricia Rivera, an academic in Communication and Human Rights at Alberto Hurtado University, with an introduction by Patricia Cocq from the National Institute of Human Rights of Chile.

Three short documentaries span the topics of the abduction of children (“Return Me to My Dad”. Three Ukrainian Children Sent To Russia Against Their Will), Russian indiscriminate attacks on civilians (The Mall Hit by a Rocket) and war crimes on the occupied territories of Ukraine (The Most Frightening Days of My Life. Yahidne). 

7 May, 11:00 

Address: classroom E11, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Avda. Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins 1825, Metro Los Héroes, Santiago de Chile

“War in Ukraine, two years after the invasion”

Conversation between Nataliya Gumenyuk and Juan Pablo Toro, executive director of AthenaLab at think-tank Centro de Estudios Publicos (CEP). Moderated by Macarena Lescornez, CEP Communications Director.

7 May, 18:30

Address: Monseñor Sótero Sanz 162, Providencia (Metro Pedro de Valdivia).

Live stream of the event is available here.

“Documenting the war”

Conversation between Nataliya Gumenyuk and Paula Escobar at the Chair Women and Media of the Diego Portales University, one of the most prestigious private universities, with its Journalism School being one of the top three in Chile. Paula Escobar is an influential Chilean editor, columnist, journalist, professor and writer who founded the Chair where she interviews remarkable female journalists. 

8 May, 10:00

Address: Sala de pasto (5to piso), Biblioteca Nicanor Parra, Vergara 324, 8370126 Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile 

The visit is organized in partnership with Andrea Molletto and Ana Maria Urtado and with the support of USAID - US Agency for International Development within the framework of the "Human Rights in Action" program, which is implemented by the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights - UHHRU.


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